personal brand

Personal Brand Tips to Increase Job Offers

Importance of Developing a Personal Brand So why is personal branding so important? Your personal brand is how you market yourself.  Developing a strong personal brand can yield advantages, such as industry recognition and job opportunities. Creating your personal brand allows you to stand out from the pack. The things you say, the things you…

Profiles DC office light bulbs

Profiles Spotlight Talent | Elizabeth J

If you asked Elizabeth J. where she would be at this point in her career a year ago, she would have never guessed it would be working for a remarkable company and genuine happiness for her position…all with the help of Profiles. Elizabeth currently works as a contractor at one of Profiles’ coveted clients in the global…

Benefits of Being a Contractor [INFOGRAPHIC]

Time to Read: 4 mins

Benefits of Being a Contractor Summary:
– Contract positions are more popular now than ever as the workforce has shifted even further into a remote space following the onset of COVID-19.
– Both employers and employees reap many benefits through contract work.
– Benefits of Being a Contractor Infographic