woman in a santa hat working on her laptop with gifts beside her

Job Searching During the Holidays

With the holidays upon us and the New Year just around the corner, there’s a common assumption that this is not a good time of year to be putting your best efforts into looking for a new job. On the contrary, this is a perfect time for lots of constructive groundwork to be laid! If…

woman working on her computer with a man looking over her shoulder writing something down on a notepad

How to Work Effectively with a Micromanager

No one likes a manager who is constantly looking over your shoulder. Not only is this type of behavior annoying, but it could also stunt your professional growth. Keep in mind that your current manager will one day be a professional reference when job searching, so it’s important to maintain a positive professional relationship. If…

woman in a meeting smiling at the camera

How to Excel as a New Manager

There is a tremendous opportunity for personal and professional fulfillment when stepping into a managerial role. We’ve all had great managers and poor managers. What makes a manager strong or poor is rather subjective, but is founded in a healthy, trustful work relationship that lends to an equal balance of accountability and respect. My first…