Unemployed? Consider Working Contract to Hire

There is no doubt that the labor market is still struggling to recover, especially in specific counties in Pennsylvania. In fact, Philadelphia County still holds a 10% unemployment rate. In light of the still-lingering consequences of the economic and financial crisis, it seems that our industry has witnessed a dominant shift in employment patterns towards…

In Digital Marketing, Brand Yourself as a Specialist

I recently came across an interesting article on Econsultancy.com, “Should Digital Marketers be Generalists or Specialists?” It outlined the advantages of being a specialist in a specific area of Digital Marketing (such as Analytics or SEO) versus being more of a Digital Marketing generalist, with a basic understanding of a wide set of skills. Which…

Infographic: Mobile Application Developer Career Profile

Whether you are currently hiring talent, looking for a new job, or seeking a promotion, it is important to remain informed about your Personal Career Profile. Below, we’ve gathered the latest statistics to create an overview of the salary expectations, supply and demand, and the key skill sets needed to be a competitive Mobile Application Developer in…

How to Thrive as an Introvert in the Workplace

I’ve recently finished reading Susan Cain’s book: “Quiet – The Power of Introverts”. The title alone is intriguing: associating the word “power” with a stereotype that suggests passivity is rare. Creatives are a vast and complicated breed, and while some do blend in well in today’s technically-charged society, there remain many who long for solitude…

Spring Cleaning Your Career in 8 Steps

This past weekend the clocks sprung forward and daylight grew longer; spring is on its way! The itch to pack up the sweaters and clean the house is setting in with hopes to a fresh new start. But have you ever considered that your career needs a spring cleaning too? Even if you aren’t actively…

How to Manage the Use of Social Media in the Workplace

Social Media has become an integral part of our culture, and has been incorporated into everyday business practices, be they communications, advocacy, networking, research, marketing and even recruiting. Which brings the question: “How do we manage the use of Social Media in the workplace?’ Many still regard social media as a very private domain, where…