Formally Apply to Credible Craigslist Job Postings

As the demand continually grows for web designers, graphic designers, and developers, Craigslist has become a go-to tool for Recruiters. At Profiles, we use this as an extra resource to help spread the word about our positions, in addition to LinkedIn and Social Media forums. However, the responses that I receive leave a lot to…

Email and IM Etiquette for the Modern Workplace

Although digital communication has been prevalent for some time now, it seems like we’re still in our infancy when it comes to basic smarts and manners about what is acceptable in an online message. Failure to think through an IM or email in the workplace could possibly hurt your reputation, offend your co-workers, or even…

Pick Your Battles in the Workplace

This year marks the bicentennial of the War of 1812. Most people don’t really remember the War of 1812. What was it about? Who did we fight? Who actually won the war? The most noteworthy thing to come out of the war is our national anthem: “The Star Spangled Banner,” written by Francis Scott Key…

How To Look For A Job While You Are Still Employed

The thought of changing jobs is daunting in itself, but the fear of being discovered while searching scares many away from ever seeking a better opportunity. Here are a few tips on how to effectively look for a job, without making your co-workers and supervisors suspicious. 1- Understand Your Situation Before you delve into your…

How to Make the Best First Impression in a New Job

Congratulations! After weeks of polishing your resume and cover letter, scouring the internet for job opportunities, and passing multiple rounds of interviewing, you have landed a new job. Well done, but now the real work begins. While working for a staffing agency, I have seen candidates both excel and fail. However, if you follow these…

Professional Guidelines for your Profile Picture

Maybe you’ve seen it. Your friend posted a new Profile picture from her weekend at the beach… as her LinkedIn Profile photo. As Dr. Phil would say: “What where you thinking?” Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the beach. And I have a love for those adorable baby pictures, too, but not for a…

Aligning Costs With Professional Contractors: 1099 vs. W2

A white paper explaining the true difference between 1099 and W2 contractors Is your business really aligning costs with contractors? As corporations do more with less, 1099 contractors are often the path of least resistance for many businesses. While convenient, misaligning 1099 contractors can lead to extra costs, inefficiencies and liabilities. Utilizing contract professionals is…

woman looking through binoculars

5 Ways to Prevent a Recruiter from Ignoring your Resume

In most companies, the person responsible for the first line of resume reviews is often the most junior person on the team. Unfortunately, that person is not really interested in recruiting candidates, so catching their attention is very difficult. As a recruiter for a creative, marketing and IT staffing agency in Baltimore and Washington, DC,…

How to Eat Healthy at Work

It’s a fact for many of us that our work can be very stressful. Long hours, straining commutes and lack of sleep all contribute to our low energy and high stress levels. Sometimes, it can feel as if we can’t even stop for a lunch break. When it comes to fueling our bodies with nutritional…