Boost Pinterest campaign success with a contest

The digital image social networking board known as Pinterest may not seem like marketing gold for companies that are not in the do-it-yourself, fashion or food industries, but it can offer any business certain marketing benefits. Pinterest often helps brands by facilitating the creation of referral traffic, high-quality leads, sales conversions and repeat purchases. 

How to Quit Your Job – 7 Do’s and Don’ts

You finally found a great job and you’re very excited to start, but first, you must quit your current position.  Most of the time, quitting your job is one of the hardest parts of finding a new job.  You don’t want to burn any bridges, just in case the new position doesn’t work out, but how do…

Woman sitting on the ground in front of her laptop with her arms up in celebration while she smiles at the camera

How to Have an Extraordinary Day at Work!

I have always been a person that performs best when my day is laid out ahead of time. I am a “list person,” I LOVE the feeling of crossing things off my list. Creating a list of tasks for that day and then crossing them off my list once completed gives me a sense of…

Man interviewing a woman

Tips on How to Close a Job Interview

I conducted a debrief conversation with a Profiles candidate a few weeks ago.  We talked about how his conversation with the hiring manager went and his impressions of the cues the hiring manager had provided during the interview.  As a part of our talent experience, Profiles strives to prepare our candidates in understanding the ‘must…

woman looking out the window as she works on a tablet

What Makes Your Creative & Marketing Recruiter the Best

I’ve been a recruiter at Profiles for over 10 years, helping Creative, Marketing, Web and IT professionals find jobs at leading organizations in the Mid-Atlantic. I actually stumbled into being a specialized Marketing Recruiter by accident, but it has been a rewarding career. I have the ability to create great outcomes; this is a job…

women smiling with a pen under her chin

How to Accept the Right Job Offer

You are sitting at home, looking at three offer letters on the table, and you are struggling to pick just one. What to do? It’s a great problem to have, but the wrong decision could drastically alter your career course. The key to making the right decision is to prepare from the very moment you…

The Psychology of UX Strategy

As a user experience professional, you know that the evolving demands from consumers and employers are driving the market. User experience is something that touches on almost every single business project. However, each facet or industry has its own individual issues to deal with, as there are tried and true methods and a few that are guaranteed to flop.