Image of a brain on a pink and purple background

Personality Types at Work: Best Career Options for Your Type

Time to read: 10 mins

Personality Types at Work Summary:
– Personality types influence many factors and are a useful aspect of yourself to consider when navigating your career.
– The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a popular personality evaluation tool used today and dates back all the way to World War II.
– There are 16 personality types determined by evaluating four pairs of opposing psychological elements. 
– Once you determine your personality type, you will understand yourself on a deeper level and will be able to better navigate career and life challenges.

Wooden blocks with letters and numbers all laying in a jumble on the floor.

What’s on the Horizon: Copywriting Trends from Industry Experts

Time to Read: 7 mins

– We spoke to industry experts to get a glimpse into copywriting trends for 2021.
– The pharmaceutical industry is booming, copy voice is changing, social listening is being utilized and advertising channels are shifting.
– Keeping up with pop culture trends and knowing your niche will give you the upper hand when it comes to writing copy.
– Profiles copywriting recruiters can help you a copywriter for your team or take the next step in your copywriting career.

job seeker on computer job search trends 2021

What Candidates Want: Job Search Trends 2021

Time to read: 4 min

Job Search Trends 2021 Summary:
– US job listings up 29 percent from February 2020 to June 2021
– A candidate-driven market brought about with the success of business on the line as the economy opens back up.
– Job seekers understand their demand and worth.
– Remote work and diversity, equity, and inclusion are top priorities in their job search.

Chess Piece Standout

7 Portfolio Website Tips for a Standout First Impression

Time to Read: 3 minutes

Portfolio Website Tips Summary:
– A viewer’s first impression of your portfolio is important as it only takes 50 microseconds for a website visitor to register a visual appeal.
– Highlighting top-tier brand projects and self-initiated work in a portfolio displays versatility and passion for the craft.
– A portfolio should utilize concise copy, interactive features, and demonstrate the designer’s creative process.

one dollar bill 2021 stimulus money

The $1.9 Trillion 2021 Stimulus Explained

Time to read: 6 minutes

2021 Stimulus Actions and Summary:
– Digestible explanation of the third stimulus payment to understand who will and who will not receive the payment.
– Unemployment benefits to extend until September 6 and decrease to $300 per week, along with an explanation of the unemployment tax forgiveness.
– Child Tax Credit, School, and COVID-19 Vaccination and Research, among other items addressed in the 2021 Stimulus bill.