Searching for a job is tough. In fact looking for a job is in some ways a full time job. And if you have been doing it for a while it can really wreak havoc on self –esteem and confidence. It’s hard feeling good about yourself when you keep putting yourself out there. Remember the saying fake it till you make it? Well instead of faking it, here are some ideas on how to feel more confident and face the day and search ahead!
5 Tips to Help You Feel More Confident, While Searching for a Job:
- Reach out to your biggest fans: Have dinner with family and/or friends. Call a grandparent (I have found no one is a bigger fan than a grandparent). Your family and closest friends, the people who love you most should be able to tell you what they think your greatest qualities are. Ask them to give you a word or a phrase about why you are so wonderful, tack it to you bathroom mirror and it will remind you every day as to why you are special just the way you are
- Make a “Gold Star” list: Remember when you got a gold star in kindergarten for something fabulous and how good it made you feel, confident and on top of the world. Now it is your turn to remember all your “Gold Stars”. Write it down; make a list of all your accomplishments and things you have achieved over the years. When you feel you doubt yourself, go back to the list and see all that you have done (don’t forget to continue to add to it as you do more fabulous things).
- Dress to Impress: There is always going to be one outfit in your closet that makes you feel wonderful and powerful and positive every time you put it on. You stand taller, you walk with more zing in your step and you feel fantastic. Even if you have no where to go, put it on and it will give you confidence to face the day. If you don’t have one, go out and get one, you’d be surprised at how good it makes you feel when you wear it.
- Exercise: Who doesn’t feel good after sweating it out at the gym? Have you ever heard of a runner’s high? Whether it is a six mile run, doing laps in a pool or just a walk around the block, exercise is good for the body and the mind. Exercise produces endorphins and endorphins trigger positive and happy feelings. Exercise has been known to reduce stress, boost self-esteem, and dispel feelings of depression and anxiety.
- Face your Fears: We all have fear of flight sometimes when we try something new or are put in an awkward situation. It makes us feel vulnerable and doubt ourselves. Embracing what we don’t know or are not comfortable doing will only improve our self-confidence and will get easier and easier the more we do it. So go out and try something you have never done before. It’s like a blind date, you don’t know how it is going to turn out but if you keep an open mind and dive in head first it could turn into something wonderful.
Keep remembering that you are smart, awesome, unique and good at what you do and the interviews, offers and jobs will come.
“Believe in yourself and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe with you.” ― Cynthia Kersey