When you were a kid, there were things that you had to do even though you didn’t want to, like clean your room or plate of broccoli. Now that you are an adult, that can still be the case, especially when it comes to trying to score some sort of work. Over the course of your job search, you may not always land a position with the creative employment agency of your dreams. However, if a firm – any firm – offers you an interview, it would be in your best interest to take it, regardless of whether you are entirely sold on the company.
No one is telling you to take a job that you know in your gut is completely and utterly wrong for you. That being said, you should not be so quick to shut down an interview offer without even giving a potential employer a chance. Think of it this way: a company’s HR reps, who are probably receiving piles upon piles of modern resumes from applicants, are not likely to ask you to come in to speak unless they see something in you that would make you a fit. Bearing this in mind, you may want to at least get to know this business and find out more information about the job by going in for an interview.
Just try it first
Mashable pointed out that despite any preconceived notions you may have about a certain position or establishment, an interview could actually change your mind. You really never know if you will like something – whether it be those trial spin classes you signed up for or a new flavor of ice cream that your favorite brand released – unless you try it. Because of this. you should keep an open mind and give every company a fair shot to prove itself before ruling it out as an employment possibility.
After accepting an interview offer from a firm about which you feel only lukewarm, it would be helpful for you to take the same approach to preparing for it as you would with any other meeting. Even if you are partway through an interview and you know more than ever that this company is not the place for you, you should remain composed and professional. This is important for a number of reasons. First of all, prospective employers could always make an incredible impression on you at the last possible second, and you should allow them to do so.
Set yourself up for success when it matters
If this last-minute surprise attack does not happen, you still want to keep it together and stay your charming self, because you can never be sure as to whom these company representatives are connected. By making it clear that you have no interest in a creative job agency during an interview, you may come off as rude, unengaged and an overall undesirable employee possibility. After rubbing these people the wrong way, you never know if word could get around to other companies in which you may be interested.
At the end of the day, even if you are not getting a job out of an interview, you at least know that you were given an opportunity to practice. This is why you should show up to every interview you are offered, regardless of whether you are keen on the position available. By viewing each experience as a practice run for the jobs that you do want, you could refine your conversational skills and increase your chances at acing interviews when they do count.