Want to be Lucky? Try Being More Involved

In our business, so much hinges on good timing when trying to match a candidate to an available position. In general, all of the components that go into good timing are variables that we have little to no control over. However, you can control your activity level and increase your level of yourself involved. I…

Optimize Your Job Hunt With LinkedIn

If you’re putting in long hours trying to find a job with a creative employment agency, then you should prioritize the places in which you’re carrying out your job search so that you can exert your precious energy only where it counts. In all likelihood, the most innovative companies are going to be focusing their…

Don't Settle During Your Job Search

As you look for another job that you can add to your already impressive modern resume, you want to make sure that it’s a position you’re more than willing to tell to just about anyone. If you end up taking a post that you dislike or are just not proud of, then that may not…

Update Your Way to a Creative Career

If you are on a mission to land some sort of swanky position with a creative employment agency, then you know that you are going to have to bring your innovation A-game. As so many young, hip professionals battle it out for select spots with promisingly progressive firms, job seekers have to invest more than…